
Clothes for Women

Inventory number
Green silk brocade skirt.

While staying at Vichy with the Emperor, the various formations of the imperial army performed certain evenings, in the kiosks of the parks, as well the large military marches as opera tunes or other themes specially created for Vichy. The success of these nocturnal concerts forced the women to imagine a cloakroom for the great outdoor evenings. Noble and warmer materials such as velvet silk or mohair, fashioned velvet, are very popular because they are an alternative to the timeless cashmere shawl.
Silk brocade
circa 1860 France
Related object
Exhibitions History
• 2019.7.14 - 2019.8.31 - "Resort elegance - Vichy 1852-1870", Palais des congrès, Vichy, France
• 2019.9.2 - 2019.9.22 - "Invitation to the ball", Hotel de Forceville, Amiens, France
• 2019.10.24–2020.03.28. ‘The Crinoline Lady. From Alexandre Vassiliev foundation collection.’ Fashion Museum, Riga, Latvia.
• 2021.04.19–2020.10.30. ‘The Crinoline Lady (1850–1869). From Alexandre Vassiliev foundation collection.’ Silute Hugo Sheu Museum (Hugo Sheu Manor), Silutė, Lithuania.