"Black is beautiful" printed dress

Clothes for Women

Inventory number
Long dress in cotton blend with yellow Afro faces printed on a brown background, long sleeves, hems lined with velvet braid.

In the 60's, fashion saw the birth of a movement that took the name of "Black is beautiful ". It's a cultural movement that started in the US by African Americans and spread later beyond the rest of the Western world. It aims to dispel the racist notion that black people's natural features such as skin color and hair are ugly. This idea made also its way through fashion and brought the "Afro" hair cut to white people, popularized in 1966 by the Black Panthers and Black Power movements, as well thanks to the success of American films produced by Blaxploitation. Some white women have tried to get this famous fuzzy cut, very dense and rounded from the afro-textured hair style. After this, a more tanned skin color fashion was adopted by white people as much as the clothes, bearing a symbolic message as this dress.
circa 1970 France